The Movie Love Ambassador Reviews
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Letter Never Sent
1959-1960 | Mikhail Kalatozov | Georgia/Soviet | Adventure Drama
The Movie Love Ambassador Writes
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Movie Review: Diary of a Country Priest
Ranking: #111/111 Director: Robert Bresson (France) Genre: Spiritual Drama Diary of a Country Priest is a spiritual parable with lots of depth. It adopts an austere tone and relies on natural settings and fairly bare interiors, as is common in Bresson films. A...
Movie Review: Salt for Svanetia
Ranking: #110/111 Director: Mikhail Kalatozov (Georgia/Soviet) Genre: Poetic Ethnographic Documentary In the work of the Georgian-Soviet film director, Mikhail Kalatozov, the image always reigns supreme. This film is what I would call a poetic ethnographic...
Movie Review: The City Without Jews (Die Stadt Ohne Jude)
Ranking: #109/111 Director: Hans Karl Breslauer (Austria) Genre: Political Drama Based on a 1922 novel by Jewish writer and journalist, Hugo Bettauer, this powerful political drama prefigures the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe, as well as the birth of Israel, in a...
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Cinematic Genius

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